HYBRID offers a unique opportunity to share knowledge and collaborate between different labs and between academia and industry, to provide new insights in the use of hybrid imaging in personalized medicine.
Zacharias Chalampalakis, MSc
Zacharias Chalampalakis studied Physics at the Kapodistrian University of Athens from where he acquired his Ptychio in Physics in 2010, specialising in nuclear and particle Physics. After completing a Master’s degree in Medical Physics from the University of Aberdeen in 2012 he joined the UK national school of healthcare science as a trainee medical physicist. During his training he was placed at the Royal Berkshire Hospital where he trained in radiotherapy, radiation protection and imaging with ionising and non-ionising radiation. In 2015 he successfully completed the training scheme and became a registered clinical scientist (medical physics) specialising in imaging with ionising radiation. As part of his training he also successfully acquired a Master’s degree in Clinical Science from the University of Liverpool. From 2015 to 2018 he worked as a medical physicist at the PET Centre of King’s College London, supporting clinical scanning and assisting in research studies. There he gained an interest in PET, PET/MR and medical image reconstruction which driven him to pursue his PhD studies in the field of PET/MR reconstruction at the IMIV research lab of the Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot (SHFJ) at CEA, Orsay, France.