HYBRID offers to the upcoming generation of researchers in medical imaging a unique opportunity to develop their talent in an environment combining several scientific disciplines, academia and industry.
Claude Comtat, PhD
Claude Comtat studied Physics at the EPFL (Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) and graduated in 1989. He received his Ph.D. in High Energy Physics at the University of Lausanne in 1996. He was for two years a post doc researcher in the PET Facility at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, working with Paul E. Kinahan on statistical image reconstruction for whole-body PET imaging. Then, he joined the Frédéric Joliot Hospital Facility (SHFJ) at CEA, Orsay, France, where he continues to conduct research in various areas of image reconstruction techniques and system modelling for brain and oncologic applications in PET. More recently, he gained interest for development of pharmacology applications in PET/MR. He is also working as a medical physicist for the Nuclear Medicine Unit of the SHFJ. Since its creation in 2020, he is also member of BioMaps (Paris-Saclay Multimodal Biomedical Imaging lab).