HYBRID is an exciting and dedicated searching of new tools in order to improve the quality life of the patients
Alberto G.Villagran Asiares, MSc
Alberto G. Villagran Asiares is a PhD student in the Department of nuclear medicine of Klinikum rechts der Isar at Technical University of Munich. From 2010 to 2015, he did his Degree in Physics and Master in Medical Physics at National University of Salta and at the Balseiro Institute of the National University of Cuyo, Argentina. His work thesis was related to different techniques of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DWI, MRS, fMRI) applied in psychiatric pathologies. The following two years, he was in the program of scholarship of the National Atomic Energy Commission, training in the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Service of the Nuclear Medicine School Foundation. Since March 2018, he is one of Early-Stage Researcher of the HYBRID Consortium, focusing on the quantitative multi-modality cardiac imaging applied in diagnosis and therapy monitoring (ESR15).