Paris-Saclay Multimodal Biomedical Imaging Lab (BioMaps), Paris-Saclay University – CEA – CNRS – Inserm

The French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)

CEA is a French key player in research, development and innovation. It includes 10 research centres among which 51 research units employing 16.000 researchers, engineers, technologists and staff. It is the first French research centre in terms of patents filed (753 in 2015). CEA is very actively involved in the European Research organization, with 438 ongoing European projects in 2015. CEA created 187 start-ups since 1972 in the innovative technologies sector and has an annual budget of 4.1 billion euros.

BioMaps is a research unit hosted by CEA and funded by CEA, Inserm, CNRS and Paris-Saclay University. It is located on the Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot (SHFJ) premises, which is a historical cradle of PET and MRI in France. This research unit is dedicated to the development of methods, instruments and agents for multimodal biomedical imaging, with a focus on PET, MRI and US, and transferring them to clinical applications in oncology and neurology. BioMaps was created in January 2020 from the joining of two units with complementary skills (IR4M and IMIV) and ambitions to become a major actor of research in medical imaging at the interface of physics-chemistry-medicine in Paris-Saclay. BioMaps benefits from a fully equipped imaging facility, including a radiotracer and radiopharmaceutical production unit and several clinical and preclinical systems: one 1.5T MR, one PET/CT, one PET/3T MR, one brain PET, one µPET, one µPET/CT, one µMR, and various US.

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